Accelerated TMS Therapy:
5-Day Retreat with
8-Week Post-Care Program

Results in Days: Mind, Body, Spirit & Social Wellbeing with Concierge Services & Private Office Suite

Empower your Mind
Week 1 in Clinic

Catalytic TMS Therapy

Transform your Life
Weeks 2-9 at Home

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A new path forward

Empower your Mind
Week 1 in Clinic

Catalytic TMS Therapy

Patients often experience relief within the initial days of TMS treatment & psychotherapy, feeling newly energized to make positive choices upon return home after a week-long stay.

Transform your Life
Weeks 2-9 at Home

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A new path forward

Capitalizing on your week of TMS, and tailored to individual needs, our post-TMS home care provides patients with 8-weeks of guidance on holistic mental health best practices, utilizing optional wearable technology and assessments.


Dr. Renee Richesin, a board-certified psychiatrist, UAB alumni and Clinical TMS Society member has significantly contributed to psychiatry since 1998, emphasizing a holistic approach to depression treatment. Providing TMS since 2019, Dr. Richesin has recently partnered with LifeworksTMS to offer this accelerated TMS paired with a transforming holistic life curriculum.

Dr. Renee Richesin

Founder of Magnetic Hope and Chief
Medical Officer of LifeWorksTMS

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? (TMS)

TMS is an FDA-approved treatment for depression and other mental illnesses. TMS was first developed in 1995, approved by the FDA in 2008, and has been used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world since then.

As studies are being completed, TMS is proving to help in the treatment of many mental health disorders, including PTSD, OCD, BPD, binge eating disorders, and smoking cessation. TMS is backed by extensive worldwide scientific research and published scientific studies, including studies performed by Stanford, Harvard and Oxford Universities.

The treatment uses powerful, focused magnetic field pulses to stimulate specific areas of the brain non-invasively (i.e., without needing surgery or anesthetic), via a paddle-shaped coil placed against the surface of the scalp. The magnetic pulses are just as powerful as the field of an MRI scanner but focused into an area the size of a quarter.

Each pulse is powerful enough to activate the neurons (brain cells) at the focus of the paddle. A series of pulses, lasting a few minutes per session, will act like exercise to strengthen the connections in the brain circuits.

At Life Works TMS, we use the TMS device to strengthen the activity of the brain circuits that regulate our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. When the treatment succeeds, people will often feel more in control of their thoughts and feelings and can cope more easily with the stresses of life without becoming overwhelmed or hopeless.

As a part of your extensive care team, Life Works TMS additionally pairs you with one of our health coaches for routine follow up, support in goal achievement post therapy, meditation, gentle exercises and breath work techniques. Together we guide you through the entire journey and are right by your side as you improve and adjust to your “new” life.

The Life Works TMS Protocol, combined with (optional) advanced wearable device monitoring from devices like Oura rings and Apple Watches, offers an unparalleled approach to personalized and effective treatments.

Through the analysis of sleep patterns, heart rate variability (HRV), and daily activity, a comprehensive understanding of your well-being unfolds. This data-driven approach enables personalized adjustments to treatment, resulting in remarkable progress on path to recovery.

Compared with Traditional TMS which is done over 6-8 weeks, Accelerated TMS provides the following benefits:

Efficiency: The treatment is completed in just 5 consecutive days, making it more convenient for patients who may find it challenging to commit to a longer treatment regimen.

Rapid Relief: Patients often experience quicker relief from symptoms, with some even reporting positive changes within a few days.

Intensive Focus: The condensed schedule allows for a more intensive focus on treatment, helping to amplify its therapeutic effects.

Better Patient Engagement: The shorter treatment duration encourages greater patient engagement and compliance, leading to improved outcomes.

Reduced Disruption: Patients can return to their daily routines or relax in their dedicated private office suite. 

Enhanced Quality of Life: The quicker response to treatment can lead to a more rapid improvement in overall quality of life and well-being.

Revolutionizing Depression & Anxious Depression Recovery

LifeWork’s Five Cornerstones designed to Empower your mind & Transform your life.

Led by Dr. Renee Richesin, we offer an alternative to conventional TMS providers, focusing on rapid and lasting remission with our unique 5-cornerstones of treatment for depression. 

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Accelerated Wellness:

Most patients experience rapid improvement in just 1 week with our accelerated TMS, bypassing the lengthy 9-12 week process of traditional treatments offered locally.

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Innovation in Depression Treatment:

LifeWorks leads in depression care by combining repetitive TMS (rTMS) with psychotherapy, setting a new standard for remission efficacy evidenced by recent studies.

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Mental Health Retreat:

Our week-long retreat provides an environment for focused treatment and mental rejuvenation, free from life’s daily stresses.

Post-Retreat Aftercare:

Beyond TMS, our LifeWorks Partners Program extends an eight-week holistic aftercare regimen to solidify treatment benefits, focusing on mental, physical, spiritual, and social well-being.

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Experienced Leadership:

Dr. Renee Richesin, a pioneer in psychiatry utilizes advanced neuro-navigation in our accelerated TMS program. She been advancing TMS depression therapy since 2019, building on a robust 20-year history of developing innovative treatments for depression.

Rapid Relief Vs. Prolonged Care

Accelerated TMS and Local Treatment Compared

The LifeWorksTMS accelerated protocol represents the pinnacle of TMS therapy available worldwide.  This intensive program compresses the TMS treatment into five days with eight treatments per day followed by eight weeks of LifeWorksPartner’s aftercare. Our program includes daily health and weekly virtual coaching upon return home. Accelerated TMS + Therapy is recognized for the highest remission rates of ANY depression protocols, including medication. LifeWorksTMS is tailored for those seeking the most effective and rapid treatment available. 

In contrast, standard TMS treatments at local clinics typically requires office visits of multiple office visits 9 weeks or more, which may or may not offer integrated aftercare support. 

LifeWorksTMS is Ideal for individuals seeking the utmost in treatment intensity, effectiveness and support. We offer a comprehensive and highly supported path to mental health recovery in a fraction of time.


Antidepressants not working?

TMS Therapy IS working

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Dr. Renee Richesin and the LifeWorksTMS Staff

Regain Hope with Revolutionary Depression Treatment

LifeWorksTMS is not just another treatment option; but is a holistic, personalized journey toward lifelong mental health. Our cutting-edge approach begins with our 5-day TMS Retreat featuring our accelerated LifeWorkTMS Protocol for swift, substantial improvements in mental well-being. During your retreat, you will engage in lifestyle planning during one-on-one coaching sessions designed to help you maintain long term mental wellness.

Upon returning home with a newly empowered mind, you are welcomed into our 8-week LifeWorks Partners aftercare program designed to help implement your new lifestyle plan. Our virtual health coaching offers essential support as you transform your life though the process of establishing healthy routines in the areas of Mind, Body, Spirit & enriching Social interactions.


The majority of patients experience relief within several days of starting TMS therapy


The majority of patients improve during treatment and continue to feel better in weeks after treatment is complete.


TMS delivers magnetic pulses through a coil placed on the head, so it is non-invasive.

Virtually free of side effects

The most common side effect is headache, experienced briefly by some patients.

Leading The Way In Depression Response & Remission

Our LifeWorks program represents an innovative approach in the field of depression therapy, informed by the influential study on “Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment for Depressive Disorders.” This study highlights the exceptional efficacy of LifeWorkTMS rTMS, particularly when paired with LifeWorksPartners cognitive behavioral therapy. (CBT) & aftercare. 

As seen in the graphs below, Lifeworks TMS methodology markedly improves the chances of achieving response and remission without relying solely on antidepressant medications.


Expertise + Dedication = Innovation

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FDA-cleared since 2008

Since the 1980s, treatment for depression has consisted mostly of antidepressants. Lots of people have felt better from antidepressants, but they don’t work for everyone. TMS therapy isn’t an antidepressant medication. Instead, it works by using gentle magnetic pulses.

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Targeted to you

Unlike medications, which affect the entire body as they pass through the blood-brain barrier, TMS therapy targets depression at the source. That means you don’t have to put up with drug-related side effects, such as gastrointestinal problems, trouble sleeping, or weight gain.

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Go right back to your day

Unlike other forms of brain stimulation, TMS therapy is non-invasive and non-sedating. Treatment sessions take place in our LifeWorksTMS center, where you can enjoy a private office for relaxation or work in between sessions. 

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Dedicated to you

Your Care Team – providers, patient consultants, TMS technicians – are here for you. We work with you every step of the way to ensure you’re getting the care you need. Your TMS Technician will be with you during treatments and you’re free to chat with them or just sit and relax.

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Health Coaching

Our virtual health coaching offers essential support as patients transform their lives though the process of establishing healthy routines in the areas of Mind, Body, Spirit & enriching Social interactions.

Reese’s Story

A few years ago, I faced significant personal challenges, including the impact of COVID-19 on my businesses, the end of my marriage, and the loss of my father. I started struggled with negativity, anxiety, and mental fog. Medications had awful side effects.  I finally discovered TMS & underwent  5-Day TMS therapy. TMS was life-changing. It cleared my anxiety and depression. The best of all is now have GREAT sleep. Following, the next 8 weeks I was able to change my lifestyle, and with my new habits I am feeling better than ever. Highly recommended. 


Rod’s Story

Simplifying Your Journey

Birmingham, AL Travel Support

01. Travel Plans:

Assistance with arranging flights, rental cars, and hotel accommodations for patients visiting Birmingham for treatment

02. Accommodations:

We recommend hotels that provide a tranquil environment, with access to dining and activities, enhancing your treatment experience.

03. Private Office Suite:

Patients have their own private office suite with Internet TV and kitchen access, offering a quiet space for relaxation and work between sessions.

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04. Birmingham Activities:

We provide guidance on exploring Birmingham's attractions and dining options during your stay.

Book Your Consultation

We invite you to utilize the calendar below to arrange a suitable time for a consultation with one of our TMS specialists. Or, feel free to contact us through the web form below, and we will promptly respond.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Download our Free
Lifeworks TMS Brochure

Download our free TMS brochure today and discover why the Accelerated LifeworksTMS Protocol is the best option for your journey toward better mental health.

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